Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Highlights Or Low Lights From Obama's Q&A ON Facebook

  • He said the Ryan Budget was radical, then called Ryan a patriot. Anybody else recall when he thought his mic was off in Chicago and bashed the Path to Prosperity?

  • He said to two key areas we need to invest in our education and transportation. The two most unionized businesses in the United States

  • He used Nancy Pelosi and leadership in a positive light in the same sentence. The one and the same who said, “We have to pass the bill, so you can see what's in it.” (In regard to the UNCONSTITUTIONAL legislation we coined Obamacare)

  • He said we need to be increasing oil production in a intelligent way. He lets Brazil and China drill in the gulf. His administration continues to put of deep water drilling permits. And our gas prices are nearly 4 dollars a gallon

  • He said we need to emphasize math and science. I would say he wants to rewrite history

Share this with your friends. If you believe Obama should be a one term President!

Friday, April 15, 2011

If I Could Speak At A Tea Party Rally. I'd Say This

All around the United States We The People are gathered together to advocate the bedrock principles our country was founded upon. There will be no more sitting on our hands just watching Glenn Beck or simply shaking our heads in regard to the direction this country is headed. Today is a day for action. In order to restore the values our nation seems to have taken for granted. We have to be bold. We have to cut through the red tape of political correctness with a legion of sharpened Samurai swords. You see people wearing their pins that read, "The Silent Majority Will Be Silent No More." So ask yourself this question. Are you calling Congress? Are you sending more then letters? Are you helping shift the destructive political dynamic in our country right now? Are you warning your neighbor of what lies on the horizon, if the majority remains complacent and apathetic. Carelessness is a recipe for disaster.

Our President elect seems to think he is the Head Of State and the Head Of Free Agency as well. Are you going to let the government tell you what you can and can't do? Are you going to let them increase taxes and take more of your hard earned money to invest in green energy and in technology that will so called "Win the Future." Gas prices are nearly 5 dollars a gallon. Food prices are increasing too. How we doing at "Winning the Future?"

The government's job has never been to legislate your life. No where in the Constitution does it say, Congress shall have the power to govern your every move. Now if we are referring to the Obama Constitution. The one the says you have to purchase health insurance. The one that says teachers are nation builders and not parents. The one that says we have to not ever offend anyone, even if they have pledged the absolute total annihilation of our country.

Well then you need to put down the jug of Hope & Change Koolaid and start taking some responsibility and accountability. The fact is, not the speculation. The fact is our nation is headed down what FA Hayek called, "The Road To Serfdom." Spending won't get us out of debt. Relying on other countries for our energy will not work. And catering to secularism won't work either. Secularism conforms to the general consensus of the time. Wait five years it will change. Capitalism will not. The supreme law of the land "The Constitution will not. Why you ask? Because they are universal truths. And truth never changes it's colors. Ever.

So fight for liberty. Help wake up America. Your freedom depends on the decisions you make today. This is not something you can put off, because you just don't feel like it.

Remember the words of Thomas Jefferson: All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Leftist Senators Say The "Darndest Things"

This week it was Sen Diane Feinstein saying, that one of the ways to not put boots on the ground in Libya, is have the International Court go in and arrest Qadaffi. (You know - Libya - the country we shouldn't be in, in the first place)

If you are not familiar with the International Court, a fair definition would be "the politically correct judicial body of the United Nations". If they went in and arrested Qadaffi, it might as well be with handing him the handcuffs and saying please put these on, and then making sure he has a fluffed pillow and a warm blanket on his flight to the I.C.C. Detention Center.

And when the flight touched down and Qadaffi was escorted to his new cold, damp cell where former dictators and military generals' screams fill the hallways. If only! Truthfully, when the flight touched down and Qadaffi was escorted to his cell that looks a little less lavish then a studio apartment, he'll find out out he is afforded conjugal visits, and that there is even a class he can take to learn to build wooden ship models, he might decide he likes it there!

Let's take Charles Taylor, for example. As in, the genocidal maniac and 22nd President of Liberia whose policies left thousands dead or mutilated. He has been a tenant at the I.C.C. Detention Center since 2006 and his trial still awaits a final verdict. Yes, a man who has had countless voices testify against them that he is a brutal dictator and murderer, still needs to be treated "fairly" and told if he is guilty or not guilty.

If we were to abide by international law in the United States in the case of Jared Loughner and the horrible Tuscon tragedy, the UN probably would have looked at the case and declared he has gender identity issues, deciding a git punishment would be a token slap on the wrist such as community service, some anger management perhaps? Or maybe even prosecuted the community college officials where he was driven off of campus - because they failed to be an adequate agent of a "nanny state"?

Yes, Feinstein, lets go in and arrest Qadaffi. Lets focus on what's really important. We need to understand him. We need to apologize for persecuting him for being a bloodthirsty savage. The real victim here is Qadaffi - because we failed to exhibit the oh - so - famous multicultural understanding which liberals tout!