Monday, February 21, 2011

Ranting On The Situation In Madison WI

Sunday. Divine Intervention: let it snow, let it snow, let it snow in Madison, Wisconsin. Today, the teachers unions are at it again, giving a prime example of how to be irresponsible and uncivil. They adhere to the words of the AFL-CIO mob boss, Richard Trumka like he was God himself. I mean, come on: We the People know, there is no place for God in the classroom. What better way to replace an all-knowning, all-powerful being, who teaches morality and loving your neighbor, than by being led by a thugocrat who supports citizens who compare their own governor, whom they elected, to murderous villians like Hosni Mubarak and Adolf Hitler. The Union's moral compass must be pointing magnetic north.

Their defenders are pulling quotes out of context saying things such as, "Lincoln would support us" and "Hitler started with the unions, and then the Jews. Its like pre-Nazi Germany." Well, I don't think Lincoln would consider a mob a more perfect Union. I completely agree with you though: Socialists are doing something on a national scale. The fact that you are influencing your children to play follow-the-leader and tote signs that describe your benefits as human rights, shows the lack of "nation building" you are doing in your homes.

You're in a losing battle. Your senators are playing "Where's Waldo," and showing us the real meaning of politics with no spine. Give up, go home, get back to work, and please throw the Saul Alinsky playbook in the fireplace.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the posting...

    Fred Editor at
