Dear Citizen,
It seems appropriate for me to draft a letter addressing the issues facing our country today. For many people seem to think the prevailing crisis against our rights and values, is of no consequence until it kicks in the front door, and threatens their livelihood on more intimate grounds. The physical plagues of our era, are nothing compared to the pandemic of complacency that has infected our nation as a whole. The banners of ethics and morality have been set ablaze, until all that remains is a pile of ashes and soot. You know something isn't right when being politically correct is held in higher regard then simply telling the truth. So lets talk about the truth.
The Bill Of Rights contains the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. It's purpose was to limit the power of the federal government, and protect the natural rights of you and me, including freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to bear arms.
Today is January 13, 2011. A man by the name of Jacob Volkmann, an MMA Fighter, who teaches part time wrestling at a high school, was put on paid leave for a comment he made about President Barack Obama. After a fight, he was asked who he wanted to fight next. He said, "Obama. He's not to bright. Someone's got to knock some sense into that idiot." A Secret Service visit followed, even though, as Jacob Volkmann stated, the comment was, "tongue in cheek". If you don't see where there is a problem here, I suggest you stop reading, and continue living in your bubble.
Freedom Of Speech is better here, then it is in the U.K. though. For example, last year in May of 2010 Dale McAlpine a Baptist preacher, was arrested for "harassment and alarm or distress" for saying same sex relationships were a sin. He spent seven hours in a cell. In his words, "My freedom was taken away on the hearsay of someone who disliked what I said, and I was charged under a law that doesn't apply."
If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a conservative and I strongly believe this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Let's talk about that for a moment. Lets go back to a document known as the Declaration of Independence. The first version did not read "We hold these truths to be self evident". What it actually read was, "We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable". The word sacred comes from the Latin word sacrum, which refers to God's or anything with in His power. Secularists get on their high horse time and time again, declaring Jefferson a atheist. I pose the question why would a well read atheist, scribe the word sacred on a document he very well knew could change the course of history, when he also knew the word sacred referred to holier things, things of a religious nature. Due to the advice of Benjamin Franklin, the Declaration Of Independence stands as it does today, "We hold these truths to be self evident".
George Washington the first President of The United States declared, "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." He also said, “The propitious(which means gracious) smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained." Moses the most well known Prophet of the Old Testament is engraved on the Supreme Court Building, holding the Ten Commandments. 52 of the 55 founding fathers of The Constitution were members of established orthodox churches in the colonies. How can you dispute this nation was not found upon Christian roots? Pull out your wallet, does your money have a little saying that reads "In God We Trust." Does our Congress start its daily sessions with a prayer... only for the last few centuries.
And remember it's still January 13, 2011. I took a two hour break to clear my head. I came back to find that, Janoe Devlin a fourteen year old girl, wore rosary beads around her neck to school today, because she said they remind her of her grandmother. Well that didn't fly for the principal at the school, who said she violated the dress code, and gave her the choice to take them off or be suspended. Devlin chose to be suspended.
It seems too many people have developed, to one degree or another, the same idea as Karl Marx when it comes to religion, when he said, “The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion." Why is that? Religion has become whatever you want it to be, whatever makes you comfortable, whatever gives you a sense of acceptance. And not just religion, but morality as well.
Don't wait for a strong wind to knock a tree down and have it fall on your house. Study the facts. Stand your moral ground. Inform others. Do not sit on the FENCE! In the words of the great writer C.S. Lewis. “There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan”
Best Wishes In The Fight For Freedom And Virtue, Justen Daniel
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