Monday, May 2, 2011

Good Riddance Osama. Rot In Pieces!

Okay, so Bin Laden is finally rotting in pieces. Barack Obama addressed the nation last night on his trusty teleprompter, spoke without any emotion and tried to take credit for something he really had no hand in. So he honored the 9/11 victims and said we were "One Nation Under God," and even closed by saying, "God Bless America."

Lets keep in mind that this is the same President who has ommited the word "Creator" from the Declaration Of Independence twice. Let's also keep in mind that Obama went out of his way to dishonor the 9/11 victims by hiring Van Jones as his Green Jobs Czar. Who resigned shortly after he was exposed as Communist revolutionary and 9/11 truther. If you do not know what a 9/11 truther is, it is a person who believes the government placed bombs in the twin towers and was working hand in hand with Al Qaeda to further establish a police state.

A lot of people are celebrating Bin Laden's demise. And it should be celebrated. But we can not allow our vision to be clouded. In our case the head of the snake may have been cut off. But our snake is really a hydra and there our 10,000 more Bin Ladens waiting to sit at the head of Al Qaeda and continue their pursuit to terrorize and murder innocents in the name of Jihad.

For example Radical preacher Anjem Choudary warned in the event of Bin Laden's death. He would do another 7/7 style attack. The 7/7 attack was a terrorist attack in London where 56 lost their lives and nearly 700 were injured.

9/11 mastermind and Guantanamo Bay resident Khalid Sheik Mohammed warned that al-Qaeda has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden is captured. How do you think these nut jobs are going to cope with dead instead of captured?

So, think back to Pearl Harbor do you think you could have reasoned with one of the men who flew their plane into one of our ships? No. You can not reason with someone who is willing to give up their life to take yours. The same case applies to Muslim terrorists. They truly believe that by killing Americans or Jews they will find themselves in paradise surrounded by many virgins. A popular saying goes, "Its their ideology stupid."

So how do you fight a ideology?

How did we fight the Nazis? We wiped them out. We did not allow their top leaders to sit in cells and contemplate their poor life decisions. We strung them up by the neck, kicked the stool, and said good riddance. The terrorists that are awaiting politically correct tribunals in Guantanamo Bay are not planning on spilling their guts.

So I say we send them to their paradise and I wonder what their reaction will be when they find out that the "Allah" they were doing so much work for, has horns, a tail, and a pitchfork.

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